An Introduction to Galatians

What is the gospel message of Jesus Christ? How is one saved by it? Probably if you asked some random people these questions today, you would get very different answers. Are you just supposed to live your life as a “good person?” Will more good works in life than bad earn favor with God? Can one be saved by faith alone or by faith plus works? Who or what are you supposed to put your faith in? It’s not a new dilemma. Even within Christian circles, the gift of salvation is poorly understood. We see this even in the New Testament as the book of Galatians addresses the issue of the true gospel. The churches of Galatia struggled with the way of salvation in the first century. Now that Christ had come, did the Gentiles who came to faith in Christ have to become Jews first by circumcision and keeping the Law of Moses? Watch Galatians Field Study 1 as Rhome van Dyck takes us through some of the background of Paul’s first missionary journey recorded in the book of Acts in which he planted churches in the Galatia region. Were these the recipients of his letter to the Galatians, addressing the misunderstood issue of the gospel of Jesus Christ?