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Receive Bible truths from Sacra Script’s videos and articles in your inbox

Receive Bible truths from Sacra Script’s videos and articles in your inbox

What is Notitia?
Be encouraged and learn more of God’s Word through our monthly email
As the Apostle Paul told the church in Ephesus, it is salvation through faith that transforms us and makes us right before God.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
During the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s, the Reformers sought to carefully outline what the Bible meant by faith so that people would not mistakenly think it was some casual acceptance of Jesus. They emphasized that the Bible reveals three crucial components or aspects of faith.
The first aspect of faith, notitia, emphasizes the content. Notitia is the Latin word for knowledge and is crucial to comprehending who our faith is in, particularly Jesus Christ, our Savior. Notitia is the very essence of our faith.
We named our monthly newsletter Notitia to reflect this critical part of the Christian faith. We must know the One in whom we believe. Each month, we seek to provide Biblical teaching to bolster the content of your faith. Receive God’s truth and spiritual encouragement through written articles and multimedia presentations to build your faith.
The Reformers argued that the next aspect of our faith is assensus. This term refers to the conviction of the truth of our knowledge shared and affirmed by the community of believers. It’s the unwavering belief that the Bible and all its teachings about Jesus Christ are undeniably true. This firm belief reinforces our faith in the Bible and Jesus Christ.
The final characteristic of our faith is fiducia. This is the act of trust in the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ as Savior. It is acting on what we know and believe, and it helps to describe the comprehensive meaning of faith in Scripture. Thus, saving faith is defined as knowledge, agreed upon as truth, and enacted. This is what we profess as the Christian faith: the knowledge of Jesus as the Son of God, who died on the cross to forgive our sins and rose in resurrected victory, the recognition that these are true, historical facts, and the action of putting our trust in Christ alone for salvation.
What is Notitia?
Be encouraged and learn more of God’s Word through our monthly email
As the Apostle Paul told the church in Ephesus, it is salvation through faith that transforms us and makes us right before God.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
During the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s, the Reformers sought to carefully outline what the Bible meant by faith so that people would not mistakenly think it was some casual acceptance of Jesus. They emphasized that the Bible reveals three crucial components or aspects of faith.
The first aspect of faith, notitia, emphasizes the content. Notitia is the Latin word for knowledge and is crucial to comprehending who our faith is in, particularly Jesus Christ, our Savior. Notitia is the very essence of our faith.
We named our monthly newsletter Notitia to reflect this critical part of the Christian faith. We must know the One in whom we believe. Each month, we seek to provide Biblical teaching to bolster the content of your faith. Receive God’s truth and spiritual encouragement through written articles and multimedia presentations to build your faith.
The Reformers argued that the next aspect of our faith is assensus. This term refers to the conviction of the truth of our knowledge shared and affirmed by the community of believers. It’s the unwavering belief that the Bible and all its teachings about Jesus Christ are undeniably true. This firm belief reinforces our faith in the Bible and Jesus Christ.
The final characteristic of our faith is fiducia. This is the act of trust in the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ as Savior. It is acting on what we know and believe, and it helps to describe the comprehensive meaning of faith in Scripture. Thus, saving faith is defined as knowledge, agreed upon as truth, and enacted. This is what we profess as the Christian faith: the knowledge of Jesus as the Son of God, who died on the cross to forgive our sins and rose in resurrected victory, the recognition that these are true, historical facts, and the action of putting our trust in Christ alone for salvation.
What is Notitia?
Be encouraged and learn more of God’s Word through our monthly email
As the Apostle Paul told the church in Ephesus, it is salvation through faith that transforms us and makes us right before God.
For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast.
Ephesians 2:8-9
During the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s, the Reformers sought to carefully outline what the Bible meant by faith so that people would not mistakenly think it was some casual acceptance of Jesus. They emphasized that the Bible reveals three crucial components or aspects of faith.
The first aspect of faith, notitia, emphasizes the content. Notitia is the Latin word for knowledge and is crucial to comprehending who our faith is in, particularly Jesus Christ, our Savior. Notitia is the very essence of our faith.
We named our monthly newsletter Notitia to reflect this critical part of the Christian faith. We must know the One in whom we believe. Each month, we seek to provide Biblical teaching to bolster the content of your faith. Receive God’s truth and spiritual encouragement through written articles and multimedia presentations to build your faith.
The Reformers argued that the next aspect of our faith is assensus. This term refers to the conviction of the truth of our knowledge shared and affirmed by the community of believers. It’s the unwavering belief that the Bible and all its teachings about Jesus Christ are undeniably true. This firm belief reinforces our faith in the Bible and Jesus Christ.
The final characteristic of our faith is fiducia. This is the act of trust in the knowledge and truth of Jesus Christ as Savior. It is acting on what we know and believe, and it helps to describe the comprehensive meaning of faith in Scripture. Thus, saving faith is defined as knowledge, agreed upon as truth, and enacted. This is what we profess as the Christian faith: the knowledge of Jesus as the Son of God, who died on the cross to forgive our sins and rose in resurrected victory, the recognition that these are true, historical facts, and the action of putting our trust in Christ alone for salvation.