Putting the Bible Back
Putting the Bible Back
Putting the Bible Back

About Us

We help people find their place in God’s grand story of Scripture

Too often, people disassemble Scripture into small pieces, never taking the time to put it back together into the masterful picture God intended.

We are passionate lovers of the Word of God who want to help you put the pieces of Scripture together to discover the beauty of God and his plan for us.

About Us

We help people find their place in God’s grand story of Scripture

Sacra Script is a nonprofit, crowdfunded ministry supporting the global church with carefully researched Bible study resources that connect the truths of Scripture.

We want to help people recognize that the Bible is God’s written revelation to us, telling us the account from creation until restoration and that each of our lives fits into His story.

Sacra Script is a nonprofit, crowdfunded ministry supporting the global church with carefully researched Bible study resources that connect the truths of Scripture.

We want to help people recognize that the Bible is God’s written revelation to us, telling us the account from creation until restoration and that each of our lives fits into His story.

Jesus’ Model

Learn how the entire story

of Scripture points to me

On Easter Sunday, our resurrected Lord caught up with a couple of his followers on the road to Emmaus, recorded in Luke 24:13–35. These followers were kept from recognizing Jesus as he chatted with them about their friend, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Their Savior called them fools for not believing the Old Testament prophets. Then, he guided them through the story of Scripture, showing how it all pointed to himself.

Our Beginnings

God was at work long before there was ever a vision for Sacra Script Ministries. In the fall of 2000, several of our writers met at Dallas Theological Seminary as incoming freshmen, and the foundations of friendship were formed. In time, we graduated from seminary and went on to pastor at local churches and teach the Word of God. We soon realized that many people did not have an overall grasp of Scripture and that there were very few materials available to understand the Bible within its bigger context. We were drawn to the Reformation principles of bringing the study of Scripture and the centrality of the gospel back to the frontlines of Christian life and ministry.

As we shared the vision for the ministry, God raised up several people with varying experiences and areas of expertise to create our core team. We immediately developed a prayer team as we sought the Lord’s direction with each decision that was made. We then laid the groundwork for our studies by developing our Christ-centered theology, our educational methodology, and the use of technology that would unite this international team and promote efficient distribution of the materials. In November of 2009, we began the process of writing our first study through the book of Obadiah. In June of 2010 we completed our first study. We continue to release new resources.

Our Name

On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther posted his 95 theses supposedly on the church door in the German city of Wittenberg, which came to be understood as the starting point of the Reformation. 491 years later to the day on October 31, 2008, Sacra Script Ministries was commissioned to carry on the Reformation principle of sola Scriptura.

Our name is a play on the Latin phrase for sacred Scripture. Our purpose is to create educational materials for the church, which teach through every book in the Bible revealing their meaning and significance in the context of Scripture.