
The teaching of your word gives light so that even the untrained can understand.

Psalm 119:130

As the Apostle Paul told the church as Ephesus, we are made right before God by faith. During the Protestant Reformation in the 1500’s, the reformers wanted to carefully outline what the Bible meant by faith so that people would not mistakenly think it was some kind of casual acceptance of Jesus. They stated that the Bible shows there are three essential components to faith. The first is notitia which is a Latin word meaning knowledge. Our faith must have content. We must know what or more appropriately who our faith is in. In other words, saving faith in the Bible requires knowledge of Jesus Christ, our Savior.

We named our monthly newsletter Notitia to reflect this import part of the Christian faith. We must know the one in whom we believe. The other two aspects of our faith are assensus which the conviction of the truth of our knowledge. Assensus is knowing that the Bible and all that is says about Jesus Christ is true. The final characteristic of our faith is fiducia. This is the act of trust in the knowledge and truth Jesus Christ as Savior. It is acting on what we know and believe and it helps to describe the complete meaning of faith in Scripture.

Learn more about Sacra Script by signing up for our monthly newsletter, Notitia.

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