Bible study video lectures

In fulfillment of our mission, Sacra Script Ministries seeks to help people understand how the Bible fits together as a whole, cohesive unit. We offer ongoing Bible studies, which are designed to help people capture the story of Scripture. These video lectures are taken from some of these studies and made available for your edification.

In this two-part series we examine what has happened to the roll of Scripture in our society over the last 400 years with the rise of modernism, and see how we as believers are called to live. Beginning with René Descartes and his assertion, “I think therefore I am,” the modern era was ushered in with a new found reliance on the individual. This human-centered thinking has affected and continues to affect the church today especially when it comes to understanding the authority of Scripture. Do we believe because the Bible says it or do we believe the Bible because we can back it up with reason, logic, or understanding? As you watch this presentation, consider what guides your own understanding of the authority of Scripture.

From the martyrdom of Christ’s apostles to the severe persecution of today, Christians have always been killed for their faith. Learn what some of the Old Testament prophets had to endure. Remember what Christ had to suffer on the cross and consider the suffering of many of His followers. Consider the suffering of many in the early church and all through the history of the Christian church. Find out what the Bible teaches about persecution and perseverance as we consider our history and our calling.

On October 31, 1517, the world changed forever. A young German monk named Martin Luther posted his complains with some of the Church practices allegedly on the church door at Wittenberg. Today we remember that day as the start of the Reformation. Join us as we recall this very important period in Church history and learn how the Church returned to the study of God’s Word. This Bible study will examine what John Calvin called, “The majesty and simplicity of Scripture.” You will learn the importance of Scripture in our everyday lives.

Have you ever wondered how the Bible fits together? There are several key passages where God explains His relationship with His people. In fact, He makes them specific promises. These are called covenants and there are four major covenants that shape the story of Scripture. It is through God’s covenants that He builds and reveals His Kingdom. Our next five Saturday Night Bible studies will examine each of the four covenants and then a final study to see how all the covenants fit together.