In our Western world of rugged individualism, Christians tend to think of God’s call on their lives as personal and even private. Often we equate our job or our training with God’s call – He made us to be a nurse or designed us for sales. Hearing some believers speak with vivid assurance of God’s personal call, many others struggle because they haven’t had any kind of spiritual eye-opening direction and feel that they are living their lives without purpose or fulfillment.

The Bible shows us that the call of God is corporate and communal. Every person has an individual role to play within the community of believers—which is the church. But how are we to live out our faith in this way? What is our reason for living, the goal of the church, and the ultimate intent of salvation? Where do we belong in God’s purpose and plan, and how we fit into the Biblical story? God’s Word is both rich and clear in answering these questions and is the foundation for this 10-lesson course.

A 10-lesson video series

Lesson 1

Knowing God through creation